We are here to help you Live Smart, Colorado!
Are you looking for unbiased money management strategies?
- Wondering where to find research-based information about food safety and healthy eating ?
- Concerned about how to keep your home free from radon gas or molds?
- Thinking about renting an apartment, but don’t know where to find reliable help?
The Colorado State University Family & Consumer Science (FCS) Extension Specialists are here to help with these and many more questions. We are located on the CSU campus and throughout Colorado in counties as big as Arapaho County and as small as Otero County. FCS Specialists work to improve the quality of life for individuals, families and communities.
The Family & Consumer Science Extension Specialists at CSU are committed to delivering science-based, practical knowledge that encourages lifelong physical, financial and emotional health and well-being to Coloradans.
A word about products and services:
- The information given herein is supplied by CSU Extension with the understanding that no endorsement of named products is intended, nor is discrimination or criticism implied of products mentioned or not mentioned. To simplify technical terminology, or for the purpose of information, trade names of products and equipment occasionally will be used.
A word about external web links:
- Notice: By activating the link, you will be leaving this Colorado State University Extension website. Links are provided for educational purposes, consistent with the CSU Extension mission. We do not attest to the accuracy, objectivity or research base of the information provided, nor do we imply any endorsement of the information, products or services you may find there.