A credit score is a “snapshot” of an individual’s credit history at a particular point in time. Your credit score is meant to illustrate your credit worthiness. Generally, your credit score reflects the information in your credit reports. Take care of your credit history and the information going into your report, then a […]
The Scoop on Sugary Drinks
Added sugars make up about 13% of the average American’s calorie intake, and this number jumps to 16% among children and adolescents. This is roughly equal to 20 teaspoons of added sugar per day! Soda Taxes The link between sugar and chronic disease is strong, and there is a push to reduce sugar intake as […]
Decrease Debt Increase Your Financial Security
Getting out of debt is the third most popular goal people select when they pledge to save at https://americasaves.org. The America Saves campaign, managed by the nonprofit Consumer Federation of America, is working to help educate and motivate people to decrease personal debt and increase personal savings as a means to increased financial stability. Are you […]