Why Worry About Fitness?
Are you feeling rundown and needing an energy boost? Having trouble falling and staying asleep? Worried about your weight or risk for heart disease? Is stress overwhelming you?
Getting fit will improve all of these these challenges and more. You don’t need special equipment or a gym to improve your daily physical activity. Get fit while exploring the beauty of Colorado’s network of hiking trails. There are many places to play in our state while you improve your fitness. If you are new to exercise, talk to your doctor about the best forms of exercise and any precautions that you should be aware of. Next, use the FITTS Principle when planning the essential components of your fitness program. The acronym FITTS stands for:
- Frequency – how often you exercise or engage in physical activity. The recommendation by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week.
- Intensity – how hard you are working during exercise. This would be describing the type of exertion you work at as light, moderate or vigorous. Varying the intensity of workouts will increase your fitness level and have the greatest impact for losing body fat.
- Time – how long you exercise each time you exercise. For instance, you may work out for 30 minutes, 5 times a week for a total of 150 minutes of physical activity per week.
- Type – which kind of exercise are you doing for cardiovascular fitness? Walking, running, biking, or swimming are great choices. Be sure to include strength training exercise at least 2 times a week, as recommended by the CDC.
- Stretching – is important to increase flexibility, mobility and preventing injuries to the muscles and joints. Stretch all the major muscle groups before and after exercise. Try yoga for this component of exercise.
A well thought-out exercise program which includes the FITTS recommendations is key to leading a happier, healthier life. Live Smart Colorado!
Thank you for the FITTS Principle; as I age, I am working on the stretching recommendation.
Thanks for sharing the links of places in Colorado to walk, hike and play. With good weather on the way, this information will be very helpful!