Why Having a Savings Account is so Important Maintaining an emergency savings account may be the most important difference between those who manage to stay afloat and those who sink in debt. Many Americans are finding it hard to save money. National polls conducted in 2018 show that 58% of Americans have less than $1,000 in […]
Emergency Preparedness Starts at Home
We are reminded daily that mother nature can create an emergency situation in the area where we or our family live. Each year we are faced with the prospect of tornadoes, wild fires, mudslides and floods. The best way for every individual to help during an emergency situation in a community is first prepare themselves. […]
Improve your Fitness – Improve your Life
Why Worry About Fitness? Are you feeling rundown and needing an energy boost? Having trouble falling and staying asleep? Worried about your weight or risk for heart disease? Is stress overwhelming you? Getting fit will improve all of these these challenges and more. You don’t need special equipment or a gym to improve your daily […]