Have a Berry Healthy Summer! Summer is the perfect time to celebrate BERRIES! These colorful little fruits are delicious, and are also one of the top sources of phytonutrients. “Phyto” comes from the Greek word for plant, thus phyto-nutrients are nutrients that come from plants. They are found in all plant foods, such as berries, […]
The Scoop on Sugary Drinks
Added sugars make up about 13% of the average American’s calorie intake, and this number jumps to 16% among children and adolescents. This is roughly equal to 20 teaspoons of added sugar per day! Soda Taxes The link between sugar and chronic disease is strong, and there is a push to reduce sugar intake as […]
Fermented Foods and Health
Fermentation is an ancient food preparation method that is gaining newfound popularity. It involves a range of foods, techniques, and types of microbes. Most people are familiar with fermented foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut. However, did you know that traditional corned beef is also fermented, and that the flavors of chocolate would not exist […]