Do you have a savings plan? One of the most important things you can learn in life is how to save money. We know that savers with a plan are more than twice as likely to make progress towards their savings goals as those without a plan. Those with a plan are more likely to spend less than they earn. Living within your means allows you to build wealth over time.
Saving Money, Improving your Financial Life, and Building Wealth
It all starts when you set a goal and make a plan to reach that goal. Goals are where you want to go in life; what you want to own, what you want to do. So what is your goal? Why do you want to achieve this particular financial goal? Breaking the goal down into smaller steps makes it more manageable.
Save Automatically
The easiest and most effective way to save is automatically. Over time, these automatic deposits add up. $50 a month accumulates to $600 a year and $3,000 after five years, plus interest that has compounded. Soon you will be able to cover many unexpected expenses without putting them on your credit card or taking out a high cost loan. If you can’t afford to save even $50 a month, there are alternatives. Many banks and credit unions will transfer as little as $25 monthly from checking to savings.
Everyone Has the Ability to Save
At America Saves, the motto is “Start Small, Think Big.” You can start with only $10 a week or month. Over time, your deposits will add up. There are lots of little things you can do to fund your savings. Just be creative. Even small amounts of savings can help you in the future.
- Cash in those dusty jars of pennies.
- Pack your lunch instead of buying it at work.
- Make your coffee at home.
- Only purchase what is on your list at the store.
America Saves Pledge
Let America Saves help you reach your savings and debt reduction goals. It all starts when you make a commitment to yourself to save. That’s what this pledge is all about. When someone takes the Pledge, they identify a savings goal (such as a rainy day fund or retirement), an amount to save per month, and the number of months they will save that amount. In other words, they make a basic savings plan.
And it doesn’t stop there. America Saves will keep you motivated with periodic information, advice, tips, and reminders sent by email or text message to help you reach your savings goal. Think of America Saves as your own personal support system and take the pledge.
America Saves Campaign
America Saves, a campaign managed by the nonprofit Consumer Federation of America, seeks to motivate, encourage, and support low- to moderate-income households to save money, reduce debt, and build wealth. Non‐profit, government, and corporate groups participate in America Saves nationally and through local, regional, and statewide campaigns around the country. America Saves encourages individuals and families to take the America Saves pledge and organizations to promote savings year-round and during America Saves Week. Learn more at and .
Great tips, thanks Glenda
Thanks so much for sharing this