Don’t forget about the earned income tax credit! Tax time is just getting under way. You should be receiving your tax documents in the mail. If your household earns less than $56,000 you may qualify for a tax credit and free tax filing assistance. Earned Income Tax credits The largest tax credit is still the […]
Saving Money and Reducing Debt in the New Year
It’s the start of a New Year and many people are thinking about saving money or reducing debt. Know Where You Stand Before you set new goals or make changes, you need to know where you stand. Review your income and expenses for the prior year. Take a good look at where your money is […]
Equifax Data Breach Settlement
In September of 2017, Equifax announced a data breach exposing the personal information of 147 million people. Are you one of the consumers whose data was compromised? If so, under a legal settlement, you may claim free services and payments. For the people impacted, Equifax has established a $425 million Consumer Fund. Consumers affected by […]