Credit is often a necessary financial tool. It can make buying a car, going to college, or taking care of an emergency possible. Credit also enables us to build long-term financial security when we use it to purchase something like a house. Using credit wisely can be a helpful financial tool and a valuable resource. […]
Experiencing loss of income is devastating
When you have had a loss of income, it can be devastating. You may face some very difficult financial decisions when your paychecks stop coming and you do not have enough money to cover your family’s basic living expenses. Spending habits must change when income is reduced and prioritizing needs vs wants is going to […]
Protect Yourself Financially from Coronavirus 19
Don’t fall prey to scams Updated 9/16/2021 While there are several treatment options that can lessen the severity of the virus, there is no magic potion that will cure the Coronavirus. A free vaccine for anyone 12 and older is currently available from a variety of pharmacies, or your local or state health department. Regardless […]