What your child learns about credit today could affect their decision-making when they have credit cards and loans of their own. Teenagers frequently see credit as an avenue to achieve instantaneous gratification, getting what they want now and figuring out the financial consequences later. Credit can serve as both a valuable tool when handled wisely and […]
Have a Business-Like Approach to Co-Parenting
The key to successful co-parenting after a family transition is to maintain focus on the child and engage in a cordial relationship with the other parent. Using a business-like approach puts the focus back on the child, lessening the emotion involved and helps parents focus less on “winning” or “losing” and rather the well-being of […]
Effective Co-Parenting Communication Divorce has become a common experience, about 40-50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. When families go through a major change event, such as divorce, everyone involved experiences transition. The amount of time it takes to successfully form a parenting partnership with your child’s other parent can have a […]