At this time of year, millions of Americans resolve to make their life better. Whether that includes getting healthier, becoming wealthier, or striving for a work-life balance, these resolutions often don’t go any further than thoughts in our minds. Set your intentions for the New Year by writing down what you want to give your […]
Three Steps to Protect Your Identity
Taking action now to protect your identity can save you time and money in the future. Here are a few steps to take to start the process: Step One: Get a Copy of Your Credit Report A credit report is a detailed document about an individual’s credit history from different sources including banks, credit card […]
Talk to Children about Money before the Holiday Season
Children can learn a lot about how to manage money from you. The holidays are a great time to talk to children about money, budgets and expectations, as you navigate the gift and entertainment filled holiday season. Be Prepared to Talk Before the toy and technology catalogs arrive in the mail, have a conversation with […]