Children can learn a lot about how to manage money from you. The holidays are a great time to talk to children about money, budgets and expectations, as you navigate the gift and entertainment filled holiday season. Be Prepared to Talk Before the toy and technology catalogs arrive in the mail, have a conversation with […]
Credit Freezes – Changes Coming Soon
For all of those who have done nothing since the Equifax credit breach or any other credit breach, you may be in luck as there are changes coming to the credit freeze. According to the Federal Trade Commission, a new federal law will make credit freezes and credit alerts free. The law takes effect September […]
Get More Food For Your Money
Even though we spend less on food compared to many other countries, our food expenses still make up a big chunk of our monthly budget. The good news is there are simple ways to lower food costs and still eat nutritiously! Question: What’s the most expensive food in your refrigerator? Answer: Food wasted, thrown out […]