We all need WATER…as our body is 60% – 75% water. Water is part of our cells, blood, digestion, and waste elimination. Water lubricates joints and cools us through sweat. Over 1/2 of the water you need comes from liquids and over 1/3 comes from food. It is important to drink enough water each day to be healthy. Thirst is a sign you are already dehydrated, so please don’t wait until you are thirsty to take a drink.
Loss of water can cause heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
Dehydration can occur when water in your body is not replaced. Symptoms include:
- Dry lips/mouth
- Fatigue
- Small amount of urine
- Dark yellow urine
WARNING SIGNS that need immediate medical attention:
- Rapid strong pulse
- Muscle weakness
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Dizzy or lightheaded
How Much Water Do We Need?
The amount of water we need depends on our body size, physical activity and the weather.
- Adults need about 9-12 cups of water per day. Drink more water if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, exercising, or working in hot weather.
- Children need less because they are smaller.
- 1-3 years need about 4 cups
- 4-8 years need about 5 cups
- 9-13 years need about 8 cups for boys, 7 cups for girls
- 11-18 years need about 11 cups for boys, 8 cups for girls
Drink more water when going outside in the heat:
- Drink 2-3 glasses of water 1-2 hours before going outside.
- Take water breaks every 15 minutes
- Try to schedule the most strenuous activities for the cooler parts of the day
Tips to help you drink more water
A big reason pop and flavored drinks are popular is because they are sweet and fruity. Here are some tips to make the switch:
- Move gradually from juice to water by mixing the juice with water. Use more water each time you make a mix
- Only have water and other non-sweetened beverages available
- Place a pitcher in the fridge that way you have cold water ready to drink and you can keep track of how much water you are drinking in a day
- Add a squeeze of lemon or lime juice to water before serving
- Add slices of fruit (peaches, berries) or even a vegetable (cucumber) to flavor the water
- Avoid sweetened iced teas & drinks with caffeine
- Lettuce, celery and other crisp vegetables are 90% or more water so snack on them.
- Fluids such as milk, 100% fruit juices, and clear soups are great sources of water
Great article Anne. I take my homemade flavored waters to pot-lucks and parties, I put a fancy label on the jar or jug of flavored water and call it SPA water. People love them. The most popular flavor has been, cucumber mint. Just add a washed and sliced cucumber and a few washed and crushed sprigs of mint to a gallon of filtered water a few hours before serving and people start asking for the recipe.