Oh my, perhaps, you just realized that you went a little overboard with purchasing gifts for the holiday and now you are stuck with paying off holiday debt. Strategies to Reduce Debt and Spending To begin with, take a look at your credit card statements or other bills and write down what you owe. Include […]
Holiday Spending
Are you feeling stressed about the expenses that come with holiday spending? Holidays are a time to celebrate with loved ones while cherishing holiday traditions. One of these traditions may be shopping. This is the time of year when we spend a staggering amount on winter holidays. The National Retail Federation estimates that we will […]
Credit Freezes – Should you do this?
We’ve all heard about security breaches. It could be that you are tired of hearing about them and still have not done anything to help protect yourself. The Federal Trade Commission reported that there were law changes in 2018 about credit freeze making them free. Free credit freezes A credit freeze restricts access to your […]