How are you going to entertain the kids over the holiday break?! Simple… consider the 4-H motto: “Learn By Doing.”
The National 4-H Center Inspire Kids to Do initiative engaged more than 1 million kids in doing and learning during September’s 30 Days of Doing campaign. The initiative continues to provide inspirational activities to help guide kids to ‘Learn By Doing’ over the holidays in their Holiday Activity Guide.
During these activities, be mindful about allowing children to truly engage in active learning. The Experiential Learning Model, developed by educational theorist David Kolb, serves as a foundation for hands-on learning, reflection and application.
- First and foremost, learners must do the activity in order to build experiences.
Family Gingerbread House Decorating Contest - Next, encourage youth to share and process through observation, questioning, reflection and analyzing.
- Finally, help guide your kids to generalize and apply their experiences, making connections to real-world examples and considering how this experience might apply to other experiences in their life.
- Experiences spark interest, curiosity drives motivation, and discovery leads to life-long learning.
Bottom line: HAVE FUN! Make memories during these precious times with your kids. Experience the world around you together. Take some time to appreciate the world from a youthful perspective. The activities in this 4-H Inspire Kids to Do Holiday Activity Guide provide activities which incorporate STEM, agriculture, civic engagement and healthy living. These cornerstones of 4-H will truly lead to Learning By Doing.
Follow the link in the holiday photo to download this activity guide and engage with your kids during their time with friends and family. 4-H is available in all states through the Cooperative Extension System.
Well, of course, 4-H would have some great ideas for kids! Thanks for sharing!