How are you going to entertain the kids over the holiday break?! Simple… consider the 4-H motto: “Learn By Doing.” The National 4-H Center Inspire Kids to Do initiative engaged more than 1 million kids in doing and learning during September’s 30 Days of Doing campaign. The initiative continues to provide inspirational activities to help guide […]
Understand the Risk of Cannabis use in Youth
Cannabis, commonly called marijuana, may be a topic of concern and confusion for parents and caregivers, especially when it comes to potential impacts on a child’s life. The questions below and many more are answered in “Cannabis, Your Child, and You: FAQS for Parents and Caregivers”. What risks are related to youth cannabis use? […]
Talk to Children about Money before the Holiday Season
Children can learn a lot about how to manage money from you. The holidays are a great time to talk to children about money, budgets and expectations, as you navigate the gift and entertainment filled holiday season. Be Prepared to Talk Before the toy and technology catalogs arrive in the mail, have a conversation with […]