Are you ready to get money smart? Individuals plan better when introduced to financial concepts. This helps people make better choices to meet their finanacial goals. Money Smart Week is a national public education program coordinated by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Their mission is to empower people with the knowledge and skills to […]
Saving at any Age
The word “savings” initiates a wide range of responses from individuals. Some might think of savings as a passport or roadmap to their future or being more prepared for life’s hiccups. Youth may hear the word savings and wonder what that really means for them; while others may think about savings and feel anxiety or […]
Colorado VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)
2023 federal income tax deadline is April 18, 2023 Do you want to prepare your own income taxes this year? You can prepare your own Federal and State income taxes online for FREE, using your computer at home. MyFreeTaxes is an excellent Internal Revenue Service (IRS)-certified remote, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)-approved website that’s run […]