Oh my, perhaps, you just realized that you went a little overboard with purchasing gifts for the holiday and now you are stuck with paying off holiday debt. Strategies to Reduce Debt and Spending To begin with, take a look at your credit card statements or other bills and write down what you owe. Include […]
Strategies to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
Are you one of the 64% of adults who have failed to keep their new years resolution? Not to worry, there is still time adjust resolutions/goals to achieve success. The first problem with most resolutions is related to specificity. Typically, people tend to set very vague resolutions. Research shows that the top three resolutions in […]
Save by Reducing Debt
When glancing at my credit card debt: I felt my heartbeat faster, my anxiety building, my blood pressure increasing. Have you ever felt that way? I don’t recommend it. The debt caused so much stress that my body was in survival mode (fight or flight). Money related stress is common. According to NEFE 2021, 85 […]