Making your own baby food can provide a less expensive, environmentally-friendly alternative to store-bought baby food that is just as (if not more) nutritious. Preparing homemade food for your baby also teaches them to enjoy the kinds of foods that you serve to the rest of your family. And while leaving behind the convenience of […]
Stay Active This Holiday Season
It can be hard to eat healthy and find time to be active during the holiday season. There are parties to plan and family gatherings to attend. Even during this busy time, it is important to stay mindful, fit and healthy. Take this time to challenge yourself and your family to make health a priority. […]
Weight Maintenance Through the Holidays
It’s no secret that making healthy choices over the holidays is challenging, everything from travel to social engagements, baking, hosting and gift giving. For many, there is also the lingering question of how to plan for the onslaught of food and beverages. As such, this is typically not the ideal time of year to focus […]