We regularly hear about data breaches. You’ve probably received a notice that your personal information may have been compromised and encouraging you to protect it. Usually in that data breach notice you are offered free credit monitoring for a period of time. There are some concerns about credit monitoring services. You will be opening up […]
Credit Freezes – Should you do this?
We’ve all heard about security breaches. It could be that you are tired of hearing about them and still have not done anything to help protect yourself. The Federal Trade Commission reported that there were law changes in 2018 about credit freeze making them free. Free credit freezes A credit freeze restricts access to your […]
Paying Down Debt is a Form of Savings
One penny, two penny, three penny…. Often paying down debt feels like an arduous process that goes on forever. It feels like all we can put down is one penny at a time, so why bother? However, we can change our mindset by thinking about paying down debt as a form of savings. What do […]