Are you are struggling with what to give this winter season? If so, consider one of these suggestions that can be presented as a gift certificate or coupon for future use by the recipient. A gift certificate can be customized to match your skills and budget while keeping in mind their interests. Many gifts are […]
Make Holiday Baking Fun and Safe
Baking together can be a fun tradition during the holidays. Make sure you and your helpers follow recommendations for handling raw ingredients like flour and eggs. These raw ingredients may contain bacteria that can make people and pets sick if they are eaten before cooking. Young children (under 5yrs.), the elderly, and those with a […]
Holiday Spending
Are you feeling stressed about the expenses that come with holiday spending? Holidays are a time to celebrate with loved ones while cherishing holiday traditions. One of these traditions may be shopping. This is the time of year when we spend a staggering amount on winter holidays. The National Retail Federation estimates that we will […]