What your child learns about credit today could affect their decision-making when they have credit cards and loans of their own. Teenagers frequently see credit as an avenue to achieve instantaneous gratification, getting what they want now and figuring out the financial consequences later. Credit can serve as both a valuable tool when handled wisely and […]
5 Tips for a Drought-tolerant Vegetable Garden
With Colorado’s 2017-2018 snow pack at record lows, we’ll likely face drought conditions for the 2018 growing season. You can still enjoy a fruit or vegetable garden, however, as long as some watering is allowed by your municipality. It’s important to conserve moisture by following these tips: Amend your soil. Use decomposed organic matter, such […]
Saving Your Tax Refund
Tax refund season is here; according to the IRS, the average refund in the United States in 2016 was around $3,000. This might be the largest check many individuals or families receive all year. How are you going to manage your refund? Saving money can be hard; our tax refunds can provide an opportunity for […]