People are really feeling squeezed financially these days. The costs of nearly everything are increasing while incomes are staying the same. This creates the need to make adjustments in our spending plans (budget). While it is easier to do a little of both increasing income & decreasing expenses, sometimes that is not enough. Sometimes we […]
Spending Plans
Budgeting – many people hate the word and dread the thought. Here is a more friendly sounding term – Spending Plan. Budgeting is simply making a plan for how you spend your money. The idea of a budget can be intimidating, but the truth is anyone can do it and you don’t need to be […]
Earned Income Tax Credit
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a federal, refundable tax credit from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that helps boost the incomes of low-wage, working families. In 2013, more than 354,000 Colorado taxpayers received $772 million in federal EITC refunds. Taxpayers who qualify for the federal EITC also qualify for the state EITC. Colorado’s […]