Earth Day is April 22, but our work will require more than one day. It’s a big daunting task. To make it manageable, start small, start local, start with you! Fortunately, every small step we take improves the health of the planet (and ourselves). Each act can be done daily and indefinitely. Symptoms of Climate […]
Save as a Family
Saving money is a valuable skill for all of us to learn. Families that save together offer the opportunity for children to learn about money in general and why savings is important even at a young age. It helps the whole family be engaged in saving for family and individual goals. It is also a […]
Save by Reducing Debt
When glancing at my credit card debt: I felt my heartbeat faster, my anxiety building, my blood pressure increasing. Have you ever felt that way? I don’t recommend it. The debt caused so much stress that my body was in survival mode (fight or flight). Money related stress is common. According to NEFE 2021, 85 […]