Winter sometimes gets a skewed reputation when it comes to outdoor recreation (if you’re not a big fan of winter sports). But I am here to assure you that you can have just as much enjoyment outside in the winter as you can during all the other seasons! And personally, I love the calmness of […]
Holiday Activities to do with Kids
How are you going to entertain the kids over the holiday break?! Simple… consider the 4-H motto: “Learn By Doing.” The National 4-H Center Inspire Kids to Do initiative engaged more than 1 million kids in doing and learning during September’s 30 Days of Doing campaign. The initiative continues to provide inspirational activities to help guide […]
Putting your Garden to Bed for the Winter
Making sure that you prepare your garden for the winter months is equally as important as the planning and planting that you do earlier in the season. Autumn is the perfect season to not only put your garden to rest, but also to reflect on the growing season and come up with ways to improve […]