Do you have enough ready-to-eat foods and water in your house in case of an emergency? People often call my office and ask about what foods to store and how much food they should have on hand. The answer depends on several factors: How many people live in your house? At a minimum you will […]
Money Smart Week 2022
Join Money Smart Week® Saturday, April 9 – Saturday, April 16, 2022 for a week of financial capability campaign focused on those hardest-hit by the pandemic. Created by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in 2002 and celebrating its 20 Anniversary, Money Smart Week® is a public awareness campaign designed to help consumers better manage […]
Save as a Family
Saving money is a valuable skill for all of us to learn. Families that save together offer the opportunity for children to learn about money in general and why savings is important even at a young age. It helps the whole family be engaged in saving for family and individual goals. It is also a […]