With Global hand washing day on October 15, its time to review our practices, and up our game if needed. Clean hands keep individuals, families, and communities healthy by reducing the spread of germs and viruses. Many people do not realize that these can spread from people to surfaces or foods and then back to […]
A Prepared Emergency Food Pantry
Do you have enough ready-to-eat foods and water in your house in case of an emergency? People often call my office and ask about what foods to store and how much food they should have on hand. The answer depends on several factors: How many people live in your house? At a minimum you will […]
Preservation of green chiles
Fall is technically a few weeks away, but there are indications the season is near. Nights are cool, kids are back in school and the smell of roasted green chiles drifts in the air. With each whiff, you’re reminded that it’s time to restock your green chile stash. For a winter without green chilies, is […]