Think back to your childhood. What did you enjoy most when you played outdoors? Maybe you made messy mud pies, collected bugs, had a picnic, or played hide-and-seek. Outside play often loses out to television, the computer and video games. However, children who regularly play outside are more fit and leaner. They also have stronger […]
Choose to Drink More Water
We all need WATER…as our body is 60% – 75% water. Water is part of our cells, blood, digestion, and waste elimination. Water lubricates joints and cools us through sweat. Over 1/2 of the water you need comes from liquids and over 1/3 comes from food. It is important to drink enough water each day […]
Summer Picnic Preparation
Summer time means picnic time. We all love picnics. They’re a great opportunity to spend time outside with your family. We expect to see flies, mosquitoes, or ants at a picnic. But it’s the bugs we can’t see, the harmful bacteria, that make more people sick. Bacteria grow rapidly in the danger zone between 40° […]