Boundaries are complex, there is no ‘one size or judgment fits all’. In the article ‘Power of Boundaries‘ we identified where our boundaries come from and explored 7 different types of boundaries (mental, emotional, material, monetary, internal, conversational, and time). Then in the ‘Building Better Boundaries’ article we examined which specific boundaries may be healthy […]
The Power of CHANGE
Like it or not, things in our world are constantly changing: technology, our bodies, our/the environment, even our relationships. This can create a great deal of anxiety. In order to succeed, we need to be able to adapt to the environment. But how can we do this, and still feel like we are moving in […]
Making a New Year’s Lifestyle Change
New Year New You?! Here we are again at the beginning of a new year. Many of us neglect to make a doable New Year’s resolution. Some of us have made the same resolution to lose weight for years. This year, I have made the resolution to make a lifestyle change. I have made the […]