Spring is in the air and many of us are planning our gardens. We enjoy the fresh tomatoes, peppers, peas, onions and more from our gardens. This spring, with a little more effort and planning we can create a garden to enjoy all our fresh items as well as plan for canning, freezing and dehydration […]
Looking for Canning Advice? Be Cautious
Finding Reliable Canning Advice Local farmers’ markets are now showcasing fresh, summer produce which means that canning season is here! For many of us, putting up seasonal produce harkens back to watching Grandma in the kitchen with a steaming canner and rows of quart jars cooling on a towel. If you remember fondly Grandma’s pickles, […]
Consider a Cottage Food Business
Love to Cook? Have a recipe that everyone wants? Are you interested in owning your own small business? If the answer to these questions is yes, you might want to explore how you could make these foods in your home kitchen and sell them to the public. The Colorado Cottage Food Act allows Colorado residents […]