A key concept in positive psychology is gratitude. Gratitude interventions designed to cultivate thankfulness have been shown to enhance well-being, increase optimism, and improve relationships. Among these, the “3 Good Things” exercise is both impactful and easy to implement. Positive psychology focuses on the study of human flourishing and well-being. It emphasizes strengths, virtues, and […]
Unlocking the Power of Positive Psychology
In a world often focused on fixing problems, positive psychology offers a refreshing perspective by emphasizing strengths, well-being, and human potential. This branch of psychology, formally established by Dr. Martin Seligman in the late 1990s, shifts the focus from what is wrong with individuals to what makes life worth living. It is not about ignoring […]
Heartfelt Valentine’s Day Gift
The Gift of Presence for Valentine’s Day Forget the flowers, chuck the chocolate and instead give the gift of genuine connection with those you love. Flowers will wilt and die, and we consume chocolate too quickly. However, the feeling of someone being truly present in our lives can last a lifetime. “The most precious gift […]