Making sure that you prepare your garden for the winter months is equally as important as the planning and planting that you do earlier in the season. Autumn is the perfect season to not only put your garden to rest, but also to reflect on the growing season and come up with ways to improve […]
Discovering the Benefits of Winter Squash
Oh, the beauty of fall and pumpkin spice everything! But did you know that pumpkin is technically a type of winter squash? Winter squash is a blanket term for a variety of squash typically in season from September through February in Colorado, but these are usually available all year round. The most popular winter squash […]
Fall Cleaning
As summer reaches an end, we begin the exciting process of harvesting our overflowing gardens and using homegrown produce to make delicious meals and treats. Making these yummy goodies can be a fun way to taste the flavors of the season and to get healthy vitamins and minerals into our diets. Additionally, it is a […]