We all need WATER…as our body is 60% – 75% water. Water is part of our cells, blood, digestion, and waste elimination. Water lubricates joints and cools us through sweat. Over 1/2 of the water you need comes from liquids and over 1/3 comes from food. It is important to drink enough water each day […]
Food Safety in the Great Outdoors
Ahhhh…..you finally made it to your campsite. Life’s worries disappear as you relax in the sun. As you soak up the moment, your stomach growls, and you start cooking dinner. The last thing on your mind is food safety. Surely nothing in this pristine environment could make you sick, right? Think again! Food safety in […]
Grilling Summer Vegetables
The warm weather is here and many of us are inspired to grill outdoors. Adding vegetables to the grill is one way to save time in the kitchen and a fun way to create a healthy plate. Preparation of Vegetables Always start with a clean grill. Scrub vegetables before cutting or slicing them. Cut or […]