If parenting wasn’t a challenge enough already, the summer months just add even more to the plate of parents. These months can be extremely busy times for families with children. The kids are out of school, parents still have working obligations, and there are various clubs, social activities, sports, and more going on. And probably […]
Summer Staycation
Thinking about planning a vacation, consider a summer staycation instead. As the weather is warming up, most of us are thinking about summer fun and unplugging from the day- to -day grind. Some of us are dreaming about sinking our toes in a sandy beach with the waves splashing in the background. If that week-long […]
Stand Up For Health
Right now, before you read on, stand up! Go ahead, nobody is looking. Just get out of your chair and continue reading while you stretch your legs and shake out the cobwebs. According to Juststand.org, the average American sits for 7.7 hours per day, or roughly half the time spent awake. Research supporting the claim […]