How much food are you wasting in your home? According to the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA), it is estimated between 30 – 40% of the food grown, processed and transported is thrown away. Mostly food waste is from food spoiling before we are able to eat it. Or maybe after cooking and […]
The Wonder of Eggs
Eggs are such a common kitchen staple. They appear on plates from breakfast to dinner and dessert. As such, it’s easy to take them for granted. With their impressive nutritional profile, high quality protein, good value, and versatility, eggs are hard to beat. Well, technically, they aren’t – egg whites have unique protein properties that […]
Gluten-Free Baking Basics
Gluten is the name for one of the proteins that is found in wheat, barley, and rye as well as specialty wheat such as triticale and spelt. These proteins such as those found in wheat flours make dough elastic and stretchy. This elasticity also traps gas within baked goods, which provide a light airy structure. […]