I have just been told there will be mandatory furloughs at work. What does that actually mean; what is a furlough? An employee furlough is a mandatory suspension from work without pay with the expectation that they will return to work. Usually it occurs when an employer needs to reduce its budget or it doesn’t […]
Choosing a Variety of Protein
Like grocery stores, food processing plants across the country are having challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some consumers rely on meat as a main source of protein, but meat is not the only source of good protein. Because of the pandemic, there may be less meat available in grocery stores and markets near you. […]
Experiencing loss of income is devastating
When you have had a loss of income, it can be devastating. You may face some very difficult financial decisions when your paychecks stop coming and you do not have enough money to cover your family’s basic living expenses. Spending habits must change when income is reduced and prioritizing needs vs wants is going to […]