Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? According to the USDA, most Americans are not getting the necessary amount of fruits and vegetables. The USDA recommends that we fill half of our plate with fruits and vegetables at every meal. But, it can be difficult trying to keep fresh produce in the […]
Lentil Basics
Lentils are edible legumes that are easy-to-prepare, versatile and nutritious. They taste slightly peppery and earthy in flavor. Lentils act like chameleons and take on flavor of the dish you are preparing. Lentils are an inexpensive and healthy Lentils are a good source of fiber, vegetable protein and low in fat. They are also packed […]
In with the New out with the Old
At this time of year, millions of Americans resolve to make their life better. Whether that includes getting healthier, becoming wealthier, or striving for a work-life balance, these resolutions often don’t go any further than thoughts in our minds. Set your intentions for the New Year by writing down what you want to give your […]