If you have not kept your New Year’s resolution to take better care of your health, no need to worry. Spring is a time for new beginnings; and with spring comes the Easter season -and……..eggs! Here is an opportunity to renew your resolution for a better health with none other than the egg. For so […]
Healthy Muffin Makeover
Muffins are easy to make, carry and eat Depending on the ingredients, muffins can be a healthy mini-meal or a between-meal snack. When we buy muffins at the store or bakery, they are often a dense cupcake without frosting, high in fat and sugar and low in fiber, protein and nutrition. Homemade muffins, however, can […]
The Whole30 Diet – What’s All the Fuss About?
The Whole30® diet, while it has been around for a while, has gained in popularity just recently. The diet is based on a 30 day dietary experiment done by diet founder, Melissa Hartwig, who blogged about her experience and gained much attention. Now with a website, multiple books, and social media, this diet is becoming […]