Tomato preservation season is in full swing in Colorado. If you are wondering what to do with all your tomatoes, you have several options. Freeze Freeze tomatoes, sauces, salsas or juice. Many people freeze raw peeled tomatoes for later use. To peel dip them in boiling water for 30-60 seconds to loosen their skins. Others […]
Choose to Drink More Water
We all need WATER…as our body is 60% – 75% water. Water is part of our cells, blood, digestion, and waste elimination. Water lubricates joints and cools us through sweat. Over 1/2 of the water you need comes from liquids and over 1/3 comes from food. It is important to drink enough water each day […]
Talk to Children about Money before the Holiday Season
Children can learn a lot about how to manage money from you. The holidays are a great time to talk to children about money, budgets and expectations, as you navigate the gift and entertainment filled holiday season. Be Prepared to Talk Before the toy and technology catalogs arrive in the mail, have a conversation with […]