Do you have enough ready-to-eat foods and water in your house in case of an emergency? People often call my office and ask about what foods to store and how much food they should have on hand. The answer depends on several factors: How many people live in your house? At a minimum you will […]
Get to Know Sourdough
Have you discovered the joy of sourdough bread? For many, baking bread has become a rewarding experience. For others, purchasing sourdough bread, provides a flavorful and healthier bread choice. Some people experience improved digestibility consuming traditionally-fermented sourdough bread compared to other breads. Expand your bread horizons and learn more about the sourdough process. What makes […]
Packing a Lunch
.Packing a lunch for school or work could potentially not only be a healthier option for you or your family but could be healthier for your pocketbook too! Plan ahead When planning and preparing ahead of time, undue stress on a busy morning and poor food choices are often deflected when a plan is in […]