Boundaries are complex, there is no ‘one size or judgment fits all’. In the article ‘Power of Boundaries‘ we identified where our boundaries come from and explored 7 different types of boundaries (mental, emotional, material, monetary, internal, conversational, and time). Then in the ‘Building Better Boundaries’ article we examined which specific boundaries may be healthy […]
The Power of Anxiety
“I have got to get my anxiety under control!” I often hear this from people at trainings and in my private practice. We have a lot of things in common, episodic anxiety is one of them. And that’s not all bad! When we think back to Caveman days, anxiety was motivational. For example, it can […]
The Power of Laughter
There is nothing more contagious or heartwarming than the sound of laughter from small children. When you hear it, you just can’t help but smile. As adults, we spend an incredible amount of time being serious, responsible, and focused. We are ‘in charge’ of something like a work project, family safety and finances, or (for […]