A key concept in positive psychology is gratitude. Gratitude interventions designed to cultivate thankfulness have been shown to enhance well-being, increase optimism, and improve relationships. Among these, the “3 Good Things” exercise is both impactful and easy to implement. Positive psychology focuses on the study of human flourishing and well-being. It emphasizes strengths, virtues, and […]
Making Changes to Boundaries
Boundaries are complex, there is no ‘one size or judgment fits all’. In the article ‘Power of Boundaries‘ we identified where our boundaries come from and explored 7 different types of boundaries (mental, emotional, material, monetary, internal, conversational, and time). Then in the ‘Building Better Boundaries’ article we examined which specific boundaries may be healthy […]
Eat More Fiber to Improve Your Heart Health
When we think about maintaining good heart health, we often focus on exercise and a balanced diet. But there’s one overlooked hero in the quest to improve heart health – fiber. Fibers are found in foods like whole grain bread, brown rice, oatmeal, vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, and seeds. It is not digested like other […]