Are you are struggling with what to give this winter season? If so, consider one of these suggestions that can be presented as a gift certificate or coupon for future use by the recipient. A gift certificate can be customized to match your skills and budget while keeping in mind their interests. Many gifts are […]
Connections and Caring for the Holidays
The holidays are often full of joyous celebrations, good food, and rituals we look forward to each year. While these celebrations vary from individual to individual, family to family and culture to culture, the magic of these rituals is consistent… connection. Yet, for many, the holidays can be a time of vulnerability, isolation and loneliness. […]
Manage Holiday Spending
The holiday season is here and along with the fun and family time, come extra expenses. The holidays can mean extra spending on gifts, travel, charitable giving, decorations, and food for special meals. If you haven’t planned ahead for extra expenses, it can mean swiping the credit card to cover it. The average American spends […]