Does the concept of saving for the unexpected seem like an impossible task for you? Maybe you are struggling financially or living paycheck to paycheck. When life happens it is challenging to stay motivated to save money for those unplanned events. However, instead of focusing on all the reasons that it is hard to save, […]
Why is Saving so Hard?
When saving money feels so hard, it is often because spending is so easy to do! Spending money is usually an obligation to pay bills. Some of our spending is because we like new items or prefer convenience over time (eating out rather than cooking). Level of income, feelings, and how we were raised often […]
Things to Consider when Planning Your Garden
Spring is in the air, and it is time to start considering planning your gardens. Planning helps you make the most of your garden’s available space and sunlight. Knowing what, when, and where to plant can often be overwhelming. Taking time to make a plan will help you be successful in your endeavors. This article […]