Oh my, perhaps, you just realized that you went a little overboard with purchasing gifts for the holiday and now you are stuck with paying off holiday debt. Strategies to Reduce Debt and Spending To begin with, take a look at your credit card statements or other bills and write down what you owe. Include […]
A New Year, A New Look at Snacks
The word “snack” often suggests sweet or salty things like cookies, chips, candy, or snack bars. This new year give your family’s snacks a different look by focusing on healthy and satisfying alternatives that supply important nutrients without a lot of added sugar and salt. Snacks can be a very beneficial way for everyone, especially […]
What to Do When Everyone is Home
During winter break and everyone is home, what are you going to do every day? No need to panic, we have some ideas to keep everyone busy, productive, learning and practicing healthy habits. Game or Puzzle Time Playing a game or working a puzzle can enhance social connections. Take advantage of opportunities to have meaningful […]