The spring and summer months may be a busy time for your family. It may be hard to find time to sit down as a family for a healthy meal. For many families who are involved in multiple activities, it is always easier to grab something quick and go. However, many convenience foods can lack […]
Planning to Preserve
Planning a vegetable garden and knowing what your family likes to eat prior to preserving helps prepare you for a summer of family fun. There are many fresh vegetables that we enjoy from our gardens such as tomatoes, lettuce, peas, and more. With planning and effort, we can create a garden to enjoy all our […]
What happens to unpaid bills?
If the last year has taught us anything, it’s that life can be unpredictable! Maybe it’s the loss of a family member, or a change in income, but no matter what happens, bills continue to come. What happens to unpaid bills? For instance, without emergency savings, you and your family may need to make […]