Planning a vegetable garden and knowing what your family likes to eat prior to preserving helps prepare you for a summer of family fun. There are many fresh vegetables that we enjoy from our gardens such as tomatoes, lettuce, peas, and more. With planning and effort, we can create a garden to enjoy all our […]
The Wonder of Eggs
Eggs are such a common kitchen staple. They appear on plates from breakfast to dinner and dessert. As such, it’s easy to take them for granted. With their impressive nutritional profile, high quality protein, good value, and versatility, eggs are hard to beat. Well, technically, they aren’t – egg whites have unique protein properties that […]
Chocolate: Good for the Heart and Soul
One glimpse of chocolate, and you are no doubt searching through your bag of excuses to justify a bite or two. You’ve likely heard that it is good for your heart health. And, you desperately want it to be true, but is it? The answer depends on the piece of chocolate you’re eye-balling. Within each […]