Both adults and children can improve their health and wellbeing from spending time outside in nature. On average, Americans spend around 90% of their day indoors. Some studies estimate we spend more than 10 hours per day on average staring at screens. “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” John […]
Paying Down Debt is a Form of Savings
One penny, two penny, three penny…. Often paying down debt feels like an arduous process that goes on forever. It feels like all we can put down is one penny at a time, so why bother? However, we can change our mindset by thinking about paying down debt as a form of savings. What do […]
Ways to Increase Income & Decrease Expenses
People are really feeling squeezed financially these days. The costs of nearly everything are increasing while incomes are staying the same. This creates the need to make adjustments in our spending plans (budget). While it is easier to do a little of both increasing income & decreasing expenses, sometimes that is not enough. Sometimes we […]