While children are growing, they tend of go through eating phases. One week they may only want peanut butter and crackers, the next foods can’t touch, or maybe a certain color is out. Although challenging for parents, this is quite common for children. There are stages in a child’s mental development when certain colors, textures, […]
Fancy Some Fiber?
Fiber may not be the fanciest nutrient around, but it sure is an important one! Most Americans fall far short of their daily intake recommendations. How much do you get? Health experts recommend 25 grams per day for women and 38 grams per day for men up to age 50. Women and men older than […]
Planning to Preserve
Planning a vegetable garden and knowing what your family likes to eat prior to preserving helps prepare you for a summer of family fun. There are many fresh vegetables that we enjoy from our gardens such as tomatoes, lettuce, peas, and more. With planning and effort, we can create a garden to enjoy all our […]