If parenting wasn’t a challenge enough already, the summer months just add even more to the plate of parents. These months can be extremely busy times for families with children. The kids are out of school, parents still have working obligations, and there are various clubs, social activities, sports, and more going on. And probably […]
Strategies to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
Are you one of the 64% of adults who have failed to keep their new years resolution? Not to worry, there is still time adjust resolutions/goals to achieve success. The first problem with most resolutions is related to specificity. Typically, people tend to set very vague resolutions. Research shows that the top three resolutions in […]
Practicing Mindfulness with your Kids
Parenting is hard work, especially as we move into the holiday season. There will be school events, family events, work events, and gift shopping, and you still need to be a parent among all those competing influences. One thing that might help you and your family is to take a moment, every now and then, […]