Boundaries are complex, there is no ‘one size or judgment fits all’. In the article ‘Power of Boundaries‘ we identified where our boundaries come from and explored 7 different types of boundaries (mental, emotional, material, monetary, internal, conversational, and time). Then in the ‘Building Better Boundaries’ article we examined which specific boundaries may be healthy […]
Vegetable Soup
Do your children enjoy eating soup? Vegetable soup can be fun to make and delicious to eat for children, especially when paired with a story about growing vegetables or making soup! They may be eager to make and taste it. For even more encouragement, include children in gardening pretend play and a cooking activity. Making […]
A New Year, A New Look at Snacks
The word “snack” often suggests sweet or salty things like cookies, chips, candy, or snack bars. This new year give your family’s snacks a different look by focusing on healthy and satisfying alternatives that supply important nutrients without a lot of added sugar and salt. Snacks can be a very beneficial way for everyone, especially […]