A key concept in positive psychology is gratitude. Gratitude interventions designed to cultivate thankfulness have been shown to enhance well-being, increase optimism, and improve relationships. Among these, the “3 Good Things” exercise is both impactful and easy to implement. Positive psychology focuses on the study of human flourishing and well-being. It emphasizes strengths, virtues, and […]
Meal Planning for Busy Families
Is meal planning something you would like to try? While it takes some time and organizational skills to accomplish, it is worth the effort. A well-crafted meal plan can help you feel confident and ready for any challenges that come your way. Additional benefits include saving time, money, and stress, all while improving the nutrition […]
The Power of Anxiety
“I have got to get my anxiety under control!” I often hear this from people at trainings and in my private practice. We have a lot of things in common, episodic anxiety is one of them. And that’s not all bad! When we think back to Caveman days, anxiety was motivational. For example, it can […]